View of three offshore wind turbines from land

Offshore wind energy is developing rapidly in the Northeast, and the Northeast Sea Grant programs have worked together to respond to public, private sector, and community needs and concerns as the region prepares for the implementation of hundreds of offshore wind turbines and infrastructure by 2030.

The regional offshore wind energy team’s work was recently recognized by the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium with a Northeast Superior Outreach Programming Award. The regional team was recognized for “working together to leverage their shared technical expertise, science and data resources, and outreach and communication tools and products” and “significantly [building] the capacities of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island” to address offshore wind issues.

Abbey Greene

Abbey Greene

The team includes Rhode Island’s own Abbey Greene, Coastal Resources Center and Rhode Island Sea Grant’s Coast and Ocean Planner, who manages the National Sea Grant Offshore Wind Energy Liaison website and newsletter and has provided technical support to Rhode Island communities. These resources and support provide Sea Grant partners and Rhode Island communities with the information they need to be informed participants in offshore wind energy development decision-making.

Thanks to their Northeast win, the team will be considered for a National Sea Grant Outreach Award. 

Team members include Jessica Jansujwicz, Maine Sea Grant; Syma Ebbin, Connecticut Sea Grant; Kayla Walsh, New York Sea Grant; Katy Bland, New Hampshire Sea Grant; Juliet Simpson, MIT Sea Grant; Poonam Narotam, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Sea Grant; Lily Keyes, MIT Sea Grant; and Abbey Greene, Rhode Island Sea Grant