URI Research & Scholarship
Photo Contest
Rhode Island Sea Grant, the Coastal Institute, and the University of Rhode Island host an annual research & scholarship photo contest that is open to all university faculty, staff, and students.
The contest provides a unique opportunity for our researchers and scholars to convey their ideas and work, as well as their unique perspectives, through the images they capture.
We’re proud to share this year’s top-placing photos, which represent a range of disciplines—from oceanography to journalism. They include work by undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty, and they reinforce that time-tested adage: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

All entries will be considered for use in the University of Rhode Island’s alumni magazine, Quadangles, the URI Division of Research and Economic Development magazine, Momentum: Research & Innovation, and the Rhode Island Sea Grant/URI Coastal Institute magazine, 41°N: Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine,
University of Rhode Island magazines, websites or other outlets, with credit to the creator.
Winners of the 2023 URI Research and Scholarship Photo Contest
Entries in URI’s sixth annual Research and Scholarship Photo Contest included underwater photographs, images of muscle tissue taken through microscopes, and macro shots of insects. They showcased the breadth of work that URI community members are immersed in.
Any URI faculty, staff, or student currently associated with a research/scholarship project at URI.