Science Serving
Rhode Island’s Coast


For All of Us

Working to ensure resilient communities and
healthy marine environments.

41˚N Magazine

Shoreline Access App

Coastal and marine resources are experiencing unprecedented stresses. Development and population growth along the coast, changes to commercial fishing and aquaculture industries, rising sea levels and increasing flood risk, habitat degredation and invasive species all threaten our nation’s coastlines.

Rhode Island Sea Grant works to address these issues through integrated research, extension, and education to provide the best available science and ensure community engagement across the Ocean State to build long-term, sustainable solutions for our coastal and marine resources.

Coastal Communities

Miles of Coastline

Our Top Priorities

Coastal Resilience

Helping communities adapt to climate change and coastal hazards.

Ocean planning

Working together to plan the future uses of ocean spaces and resources.


Supporting tools and resources for sustainable commercial fishing and aquaculture activities.

Marine Law

Providing policy expertise and education for the next generation of law professionals.

41˚N: Free Subscription

If you’re interested in all things coastal and marine in the Ocean State, sign up for your free subscription to 41°N, Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine.