The Geographic Location Description (GLD) is a tool that gives CRMC automatic federal consistency review over certain federal actions and activities in the federal waters of the Ocean SAMP. This allows the Ocean SAMP enforceable policies and regulatory standards to be applied to the federal waters of the Ocean SAMP study area (see below). The GLD is based on presenting what the reasonably foreseeable effects of federal actions or permitting may have on the coastal resources and human uses of Rhode Island.
In 2011, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management approved CRMC’s GLD request and as a result, the burden now rests on federal agencies to inform CRMC of all federal actions that could have a reasonable foreseeable effect on RI’s coastal resources. CRMC then has the right to review those federal actions or activities to ensure they comply with the regulatory standards of Rhode Islands’ coastal program.
Download a copy of the GLD here.
