


April 2015 Public Stakeholder Meeting


Thursday, April 16, 2015, 6pm-8pm


Hazard A & B Rooms, Coastal Institute Building, URI Bay Campus


Come Celebrate the Launch of the Ocean SAMP Update!

Please join ​ the​ R ​.I. Coastal Resources Management Council ​ and t​ he University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography ​'s Coastal Resources Center and Rhode Island Sea Grant for the official kickoff to update the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP). ​

The 2007 ​- 2010 Ocean SAMP process ​helped Rhode Islanders better understand ​how the state's offshore ​area was being used and why it is important biologically, culturally, and socially. The Ocean SAMP is also key to ensuring that the siting and development of the Block Island Wind Farm has the least amount of impact upon, and provides the greatest benefits to, ​the state's natural resources and ​ residents .

​The Ocean SAMP ​ was slated to undergo a comprehensive review and update five years after adoption.

This initial update phase will focus on recreation, commercial fisheries, maritime commerce, and natural resources. We will be coordinating closely with the Northeast Regional Ocean Council to ensure that the information we collect in Rhode Island is not only integrated into the Ocean SAMP update, but it is also a significant component to the regional ocean planning initiative.

As always, this stakeholder event is open to all ​.​ We hope you can come!

Pizza will be served, so please RSVP ​ to


For more information about the project contact Jennifer McCann at (401) 874-6127 or e-mail To view past events, see our events archive.